I’m sharing another Houston family session from my recent trip at the beginning of December. Nicole and I went to the same (small) high school in Grandville, MI. She had moved to Houston and was looking for a wedding photographer and had heard that I was also living there. BOOM. Two kids from the “Grandville bubble” found each other in Houston ;). I was so honored to photograph Greg and Nicole’s wedding a few years back.
I’ve only ever seen photos of their daughter, Riley, and was so excited to be able to take some (growing) family portraits for them on my last trip! Riley started out a little camera shy… but fast forward to my last image below. We were all cracking up at her! She just turned two- one of my personal favorite ages in my girls so far- Riley’s facial expressions and dance moves are on point. Nicole and Greg, I hope you treasure these captured expressions of joy and silliness– they grow up so fast! Riley, you are going to be an awesome big sister! Enjoy my faves!Family portraits do not have to be boring! Contact me for more information on how you can book your own session today. 🙂